Sunday, October 4, 2015

Start Taking Better Care of Yourself

Did you know your hair and body are affected by your overall lifestyle? The products you use will either affect you and your hair negatively or positively. You can read more about this on our FDA blog post. Start reading what’s on the label of your hair products. Start researching the meaning of said ingredients. Start protecting your body, skin, hair, and overall health.

You only get blessed with one body. How much harm do you think it can take? You also need to be aware of the fact that we’re not all in this together, at all. Your government isn’t warning you of any products, unless they harm someone first. This means that you could be using a product that is hurting you internally and externally, and not even know it. It’s your job to protect you, because no one else will.

Know that you are most definitely what you eat and drink, and what you consume ends up in your hair. According to the National Science Foundation, “A single strand contains information on your whereabouts over the past few months, a fact that law enforcement agencies are now using to solve crimes.” Imagine how much harm you've allowed to get into your strands internally and externally. Not just by your hair products, but by what you drink and eat as well.

Now, lets say you just robbed a bank, dropped your hat, and your hat was found by detectives. Your strand of hair would be the only evidence anyone would need. They’d be able to test your DNA, and could even tell you what you had for dinner three months prior to the robbery. But, lets say you didn’t just rob a bank, you still have to remember that a healthy diet can help improve the overall condition of your hair, skin, nails, and how you feel about yourself. How you care for your hair matters because, ultimately, your input matters to your hairs output.


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